AI’s Impact on Employee Experience, Company Culture and Executive Coaching


Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer a distant concept confined to sci-fi movies. It's here, it's evolving, and it's affecting all aspects of our lives, especially the workplace. It's time we had an open and honest conversation about how AI will impact our organizations, specifically in areas like employee experience, company culture, and executive coaching.

Get ready to meet your new AI colleagues - they may not be as chatty as your current ones, but they'll definitely get the job done. Let's see what the future holds!

Employee Experience

The success of any company is heavily reliant on the experience of its employees. Luckily, AI has the potential to take over mundane and repetitive tasks, freeing up employees to tackle more creative and high-value work, such as creating employee experience surveys. Take AI-powered chatbots, for instance. These nifty assistants can handle employee queries and support, giving HR teams a break and enabling employees to maintain a better work-life balance. The result? A happier, more positive overall experience for everyone involved.

However, it's critical that we don't lose sight of the importance of the human touch when implementing AI in the workplace. Although automation is a lifesaver when it comes to workload and efficiency, we cannot ignore the fact that we crave human interaction and connection. Striking the right balance between utilizing AI to improve efficiency and ensuring employees feel valued and supported is crucial for a positive employee experience. At the end of the day, no one wants to feel like they're talking to a robot – especially when wanting to be seen by the company the work for.

Company Culture

While AI certainly has the potential to shape company culture, it's important to remember that it's not a magic bullet. AI-powered tools can certainly help improve efficiency and promote collaboration, but they're not a replacement for critical thinking or the value of human connection.

One place where AI really stands out is in the analysis of company culture. There are tools being developed which can help you understand data, summarize feedback, and more – don’t overlook this. AI isn’t just chatbots and content creation. It can help with all sorts of everyday work, like figuring out what has changed the most in an employee experience questionnaire, or finding trends in employee retention data.

In order to reap the benefits of AI while avoiding the pitfalls, companies must be intentional in their use of these tools. It's important to consider how AI can support and enhance your company culture, while also being mindful of its limitations. In short, AI can be a valuable asset in crafting a positive and thriving workplace culture - but it's not the only tool in the toolbox.

Executive Coaching

Executive coaching is a critical part of developing strong leaders, and AI can help take coaching to the next level. By leveraging AI-powered coaching tools, executives can receive personalized, data-driven feedback and support to help them reach their full potential.

But remember, as with all the other examples mentioned above, AI can't replace empathy and connection, especially when it comes to coaching. Companies must ensure that their use of AI is complemented by a human touch, so that executives can receive the best of both worlds: data-driven insights alongside the human connection and support they need to succeed.

Examples of AI in the Day-To-Day

AI is often talked about in the big picture. But one of the most useful ways in which a company can harness AI is by encouraging it’s employees to harness it for the boring, day-to-day tasks. Here are some tasks that can things like Chat-GPT or other AI tools can really help with:

·      Automating repetitive or boring tasks that you just don’t like, such as crafting a LinkedIn bio or writing ad copy.

·      Analyzing employee data and behavior patterns to identify areas for improvement.

·      Facilitating collaboration and innovation through AI-powered tools.

·      Providing AI-powered chatbots to answer common HR-related questions and provide support to employees (though make sure there’s always a way to get through to a real person).

·      Using AI to analyze employee engagement survey data and identify areas for improvement in the workplace culture.

The common theme with all of these is that you are using AI to deepen human connection, rather than replacing human relationships with automation. This is the crucial way in which AI will help and hinder teams going forward.


AI brings a world of exciting opportunities to the workplace, from streamlining mundane tasks to fostering innovation and collaboration. By embracing AI, companies can unlock new levels of efficiency and productivity that benefit both the organization and its employees. However, it's essential to remember that human interaction and empathy are vital components of any successful workplace culture.

Companies that strike the right balance between AI and human support can create a workplace where employees feel valued, heard, and supported. The future of work is undoubtedly tied to AI, but it's up to companies to ensure that it's a future that's inclusive, supportive, and empowering for all employees.

Meridith Marshall is the CEO and Founder of Uncharted Way and has seen firsthand how people and organizations can navigate the most difficult of circumstances with clarity and openness to improve employee experience and culture in their workplace. She is an industry-recognized expert in using a data-driven approach, and is an Interaction Associates trained facilitator and certified Co-Active coach.

Meridith Marshall